South Carolina High School Wrestling Records
Updated on February 23, 2025 SC Wrestling Records - Individual: Four Time State Placers A new category has been added to the Recordbook listing every Four Time State Placer in South Carolina. There may be a few wrestlers missing from this list due to several years where SCMAT does not have all the 3rd and 4th placers for some State Tournaments. If anyone has brackets or results with the Consolation Finals (3rd & 4th) please contact Here are the Years and Classifications that we have some missing 3rd and 4th State Placers: 3A - 1983 3A-2A-1A - 1986 2A-1A - 1978, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1992 and 1995 South Carolina Four Time State Placers (by graduating year): Cason Howle - Greenwood (2025 215 1st - 5A, 2024 190 1st, 2023 182 1st, 2022 170 1st - 4A) George Maholtz - Eastside (2025 157 1st - 5A, 2024 150 1st, 2023 145 1st, 2022 126 1st - 4A) Brody Bailey - Carolina Forest (2025 157 2nd, 2024 150 2nd, 2023 145 3rd, 2022 120 3rd - 5A) Richard Springs - Fort Dorchester (2025 126 1st, 2024 120 1st, 2023 113 1st, 2022 106 1st - 5A) Jackson Chavis - Hartsville (2025 285 1st, 2024 285 1st, 2023 220 2nd, 2022 220 1st - 4A) Jayden Morris - Belton-Honea Path (2025 126 1st, 2024 126 1st, 2023 126 1st, 2022 120 1st - 3A) Said Gasimov - High Point Academy (2025 215 1st, 2024 190 1st, 2023 182 2nd, 2022 182 4th - 2A-1A) Luke Johannes - High Point Academy (2025 132 3rd, 2024 126 1st, 2023 120 3rd, 2022 106 1st - 2A-1A) Eduardo De Paz - Chester (2025 113 3rd - 2A-1A, 2024 106 3rd, 2023 106 2nd, 2022 106 2nd - 3A) J.J. Peace - Cane Bay (2024 126 1st, 2023 120 1st, 2022 113 1st, 2021 106 1st - 5A) Jack Wyland - Eastside (2024 165 1st, 2023 152 1st, 2022 152 2nd, 2021 132 1st - 4A) Wyatt Wheeler - North Myrtle Beach (2024 132 2nd, 2023 126 2nd, 2022 120 1st, 2021 106 2nd - 4A) Cooper Strickland - Belton-Honea Path (2024 113 1st, 2023 113 2nd, 2022 113 3rd, 2021 106 1st - 3A) Teague Strobel - West-Oak (2024 120 1st, 2023 113 1st, 2022 113 1st - 3A, 2021 106 2nd - 5A) Hayden Schroeder - Gilbert (2024 132 1st, 2023 126 2nd - 3A, 2022 113 2nd, 2021 106 2nd - 1A South Dakota) JoJo Morris - Belton-Honea Path (2024 144 1st, 2023 138 1st, 2022 132 1st, 2021 126 1st - 3A) Andre McFadden-Pressley - Lake City (2024 285 1st, 2023 285 3rd, 2022 285 1st, 2021 285 2nd - 3A) Alex Rush - Timberland (2024 120 1st, 2023 113 1st, 2022 126 2nd, 2021 120 2nd - 2A-1A) Sam Cherichello - Bishop England (2024 138 1st, 2023 132 1st - 2A-1A, 2022 126 2nd, 2021 113 4th - 3A) Frank Taylor - Ninety-Six (2024 157 1st, 2023 160 1st, 2022 152 3rd, 2021 152 4th - 2A-1A) Ty Tice - Eastside (2023 120 1st, 2022 113 1st, 2021 106 1st, 2020 106 2nd - 4A) Colt Schrader - Eastside (2023 132 1st, 2022 132 1st, 2021 120 1st, 2020 113 4th - 4A) Lane Schrader - Eastside (2023 160 1st, 2022 145 2nd, 2021 126 1st, 2020 120 3rd - 4A) Gabriel Juarez - May River (2023 170 2nd, 2022 170 2nd, 2021 160 1st - 4A, 2020 152 3rd - 3A) Gavin Qualls - Hanahan (2023 138 3rd, 2022 138 4th, 2021 126 4th, 2020 113 4th - 3A) Colton Phares - Beaufort (2023 182 1st - 3A, 2022 182 2nd, 2021 170 2nd, 2020 145 4th - 4A) Ethan Dawson - Timberland (2023 138 2nd, 2022 138 2nd, 2021 138 1st, 2020 132 2nd - 2A-1A) Lukas Crosby - High Point Academy (2023 145 1st, 2022 138 1st, 2021 132 1st, 2020 113 1st - 2A-1A) Thomas Snipes - Hillcrest (2022 145 1st, 2021 138 1st, 2020 120 1st, 2019 113 4th - 5A) David Hunsberger - Byrnes (2022 160 1st, 2021 152 1st, 2020 132 1st, 2019 106 1st - 5A) Dylan Layton - Indian Land (2022 145 1st, 2021 138 1st - 4A SC, 2020 120 1st - 3A SC, 2019 106 3rd - Jensen Beach FL - 2A) Logan Berger - Hartsville (2022 152 1st, 2021 145 1st, 2020 132 1st, 2019 113 2nd - 4A) Roy Price - Eastside (2022 182 1st, 2021 145 3rd, 2020 132 3rd, 2019 106 3rd - 4A - 4A) Spencer Cox - South Pointe (2022 160 4th, 2021 132 2nd, 2020 120 2nd, 2019 106 1st - 4A) A.J. Dickerson - West-Oak (2022 182 1st, 2021 160 1st, 2020 132 1st, 2019 113 1st - 3A) Chris Compton - Byrnes (2021 120 1st, 2020 113 1st, 2019 113 1st, 2018 106 1st - 5A) Kaleem Heard - Northwestern (2021 132 1st - 5A, 2020 126 1st [York], 2019 113 1st [York], 2018 106 1st [York] - 4A) Chandler Amaker - Fort Dorchester (2021 170 1st, 2020 145 1st, 2019 138 2nd, 2018 106 2nd - 5A) Josh Green - Chapin (2021 170 3rd, 2020 160 2nd, 2019 138 3rd - 5A, 2018 120 3rd - 4A) Ryan Dobbs - West-Oak (2021 152 1st, 2020 152 1st, 2019 138 1st, 2018 126 2nd - 3A) Daniel Barfield - Andrew Jackson (2021 106 2nd, 2020 106 2nd, 2019 106 1st, 2018 106 3rd - 2A-1A) Jackson Stembridge - Bamberg-Ehrhardt (2021 145 2nd, 2020 126 1st, 2019 113 1st, 2018 106 1st - 2A-1A) Ty'Quez Stuckey - Bamberg-Ehrhardt (2021 170 1st, 2020 152 1st, 2019 138 1st, 2018 132 3rd - 2A-1A) Kalab Haven - North Central (2021 195 1st, 2020 182 1st, 2019 170 1st, 2018 160 1st [Andrew Jackson] - 2A-1A) Bailey Wilkins - Rock Hill (2020 132 2nd, 2019 138 1st, 2018 132 1st, 2017 126 1st - 5A) Preston Soriano - Stratford (2020 138 3rd, 2019 126 1st, 2018 126 3rd, 2017 126 3rd - 5A) Walker Stephenson - Hillcrest (2020 182 1st, 2019 170 1st, 2018 160 2nd, 2017 145 3rd - 5A) Tucker Allen - Eastside (2020 138 1st, 2019 132 1st, 2018 113 2nd, 2017 106 4th - 4A) Chase Barnes - Eastside (2020 285 2nd, 2019 195 1st, 2018 182 1st, 2017 195 4th - 4A) Matthew Williams - West-Oak (2020 138 1st, 2019 145 1st, 2018 132 1st, 2017 132 2nd - 3A) Tyrin Jordan - Cheraw (2020 195 1st, 2019 182 4th - 3A, 2018 182 2nd, 2017 170 2nd - 2A-1A) Cody Fleming - Ninety-Six (2020 220 1st, 2019 220 1st, 2018 220 1st, 2017 220 2nd - 2A-1A) Jordan White - Eastside (2019 126 2nd, 2018 120 1st, 2017 113 1st - 4A, 2016 106 1st - 3A) Chandler Smalley - Abbeville (2019 145 1st, 2018 138 1st, 2017 126 1st, 2016 120 1st - 2A-1A) Hunter Haven - North Central (2019 160 1st, 2018 152 2nd, 2017 138 1st, 2016 120 3rd - 2A-1A) KeSean Brown - Bamberg-Ehrhardt (2019 195 1st, 2018 195 1st, 2017 182 1st, 2016 170 2nd - 2A-1A) Alex Braden - Hilton Head (2018 145 1st, 2017 138 1st - 4A, 2016 138 2nd, 2015 132 1st - 3A) Jacob Brasseur - Lexington (2018 120 1st, 2017 113 1st - 5A, 2016 106 2nd, 2015 106 3rd - 4A) Drew Parker - Fort Dorchester (2018 152 2nd, 2017 160 1st - 5A, 2016 152 2nd, 2015 132 3rd - 4A) Johnathan Parker - Fort Dorchester (2018 160 4th, 2017 170 1st - 5A, 2016 160 1st, 2015 138 2nd - 4A) Jacob Rogers - Liberty (2018 132 1st, 2017 132 1st, 2016 120 2nd, 2015 113 4th - 2A-1A) Cole Murphy - Liberty (2018 152 1st, 2017 152 1st, 2016 145 1st, 2015 132 1st - 2A-1A) Kohl Gagum - Bamberg-Ehrhardt (2018 182 1st, 2017 195 2nd, 2016 182 1st, 2015 160 3rd) AJ Leitten - Fort Mill (2017 138 1st - 5A, 2016 138 1st, 2015 126 1st, 2014 106 2nd - 4A) Conner Pirkle - Emerald (2017 132 1st, 2016 126 2nd, 2015 126 1st, 2014 113 2nd - 3A) Omar Daniels - Battery Creek (2017 138 1st - 3A, 2016 126 1st, 2015 120 2nd, 2014 113 4th - 2A-1A) Jack Grooms - Bishop England (2017 145 2nd - 3A, 2016 132 2nd, 2015 120 3rd, 2014 106 3rd - 2A-1A) Luke Newton - Emerald (2017 182 1st, 2016 170 2nd, 2015 160 2nd, 2014 145 2nd - 3A) Zack Clary - Dorman (2016 126 1st - [Dorman], 2015 120 2nd, 2014 113 1st, 2013 106 1st - [Gaffney] 4A) Dalen Byerley - Nation Ford (2016 132 2nd, 2015 132 2nd - 4A, 2014 120 1st, 2013 113 3rd - [Indian Land] 2A-1A) Logan Patterson - Belton-Honea Path (2016 120 4th, 2015 113 3rd, 2014 113 4th, 2013 106 4th - 3A) Kyle Chrzanowski - Chesnee (2016 138 1st, 2015 138 4th [Liberty], 2014 126 2nd, 2013 120 4th - 2A-1A) James Sass - Summerville (2015 113 1st, 2014 106 1st, 2013 106 2nd, 2012 106 3rd - 4A) David Walker - Eastside (2015 132 2nd, 2014 126 1st, 2013 113 3rd, 2012 106 1st - 3A) Dylan Gary - Belton-Honea Path (2015 152 1st, 2014 152 1st, 2013 145 2nd, 2012 126 2nd - 3A) Matt Rudy - Cane Bay (2015 195 1st, 2014 195 1st - 4A, 2013 182 3rd, 2012 182 3rd - 3A) Gage Cervenka - Emerald (2015 285 1st, 2014 285 1st, 2013 285 1st - 3A, 2012 285 1st - 2A-1A) Jackson Myers - Lexington (2014 126 1st, 2013 113 1st, 2012 106 1st, 2011 103 4th - 4A) John Van Slooten - Summerville (2014 152 1st - 4A, 2013 145 1st - [Waccamaw] 2A-1A, 2012 145 1st - [St. James] 3A, 2011 140 1st - [St. James] 3A) Clay Walker - Eastside (2014 132 1st, 2013 138 1st, 2012 126 1st, 2011 125 1st - 3A) Josh McDermett - Academic Magnet (2014 138 1st, 2013 126 1st, 2012 113 3rd, 2011 103 4th - 2A-1A) Austin Farmer - Bluffton (2013 138 1st - 4A, 2012 132 4th, 2011 125 2nd, 2010 112 4th - 3A) Ellison Sanders - Hillcrest (2013 170 2nd, 2012 170 3rd, 2011 152 4th, 2010 145 3rd - 4A) Label Lewis - Hilton Head (2013 132 1st, 2012 120 4th, 2011 112 1st, 2010 103 2nd - 3A) Malcolm Jones - Bamberg-Ehrhardt (2013 120 1st, 2012 113 2nd, 2011 112 3rd, 2010 103 3rd - 2A-1A) Jordan Wigger - Summerville (2012 120 1st, 2011 119 1st, 2010 112 1st, 2009 103 1st - 4A) T.J. Dudley - Irmo (2012 195 1st, 2011 189 1st, 2010 171 1st, 2009 171 4th - 4A) Kyle Lowe - Belton-Honea Path (2012 120 3rd, 2011 119 2nd, 2010 112 3rd, 2009 103 3rd - 3A) Aaron Hansen - Summerville (2011, 125 1st, 2010 125 1st, 2009 119 1st, 2008 112 1st - 4A) Weston Beck - Rock Hill (2011 130 1st, 2010 125 2nd, 2009 112 1st, 2008 103 1st - 4A) Seth Beck - Rock Hill (2011 135 1st, 2010 130 1st, 2009 119 2nd, 2008 112 2nd - 4A) Nate Polly - Chapin (2011 135 3rd, 2010 130 1st, 2009 125 2nd - 3A, 2008 112 4th [Lexington] - 4A) Brody Bertolini - Ninety-Six (2011 119 2nd, 2010 112 3rd, 2009 112 2nd, 2008 103 4th - 2A-1A) Eli Ashby - Summerville (2010 135 2nd, 2009 130 2nd, 2008 130 2nd, 2007 119 3rd - 4A) Ashley Braecklein - Fort Dorchester (2010 140 1st, 2009 145 3rd, 2008 135 3rd [Summerville], 2007 135 4th [Summerville] - 4A) Andrew Rankin - Walhalla (2010 125 1st, 2009 119 3rd, 2008 103 1st, 2007 103 4th - 2A-1A) Jeremy Phillips - Woodruff (2010 125 2nd, 2009 125 3rd, 2008 112 2nd, 2007 103 2nd - 2A-1A) Ian Harper - Chesterfield (2010 135 1st, 2009 125 1st, 2008 119 1st, 2007 112 1st - 2A-1A) LaQuandian Bromell - Loris (2010 140 2nd, 2009 119 4th, 2008 112 3rd, 2007 103 3rd - 2A-1A) Elijah Burr - Chesterfield (2010 152 1st, 2009 135 1st, 2008 112 4th, 2007 103 1st - 2A-1A) Justin McClester - Lugoff-Elgin (2009 125 1st, 2008 112 3rd, 2007 103 3rd, 2006 103 2nd - 3A) Eddie Coles - Eastside (2009 135 1st, 2008 119 1st, 2007 112 1st, 2006 103 1st - 3A) Eric Rholetter - West-Oak (2009 119 2nd - 3A, 2008 125 1st, 2007 119 1st, 2006 112 1st - 2A-1A) Zane Newton - Emerald (2009 160 1st, 2008 152 1st, 2007 145 1st, 2006 135 3rd - 2A-1A) Robert Quinn - Fort Dorchester (2008 285 1st, 2007 285 1st, 2006 275 1st, 2005 215 3rd - 4A) Deral Brown - Lugoff-Elgin (2008 145 1st, 2007 145 1st, 2006 135 1st, 2005 130 4th - 3A) Bryce Martin - Eastside (2008 152 1st, 2007 135 1st, 2006 119 4th, 2005 103 1st - 3A) Corbin Martin - Eastside (2008 160 1st, 2007 140 1st, 2006 125 1st, 2005 112 1st - 3A) Trey Alley - Chesterfield (2008 135 1st, 2007 125 1st, 2006 103 1st, 2005 103 2nd - 2A-1A) Dalton Harper - Chesterfield (2008 140 1st, 2007 130 1st, 2006 125 1st, 2005 112 1st - 2A-1A) Jonathon Willard - Loris (2008 189 1st, 2007 189 1st, 2006 189 1st, 2005 171 1st - 2A-1A) Winfred McMoore - Berea (2007 171 2nd, 2006 160 1st, 2005 160 1st, 2004 160 4th - 3A) J.C. Oddo - Eastside (2007 189 1st, 2006 189 1st, 2005 171 1st, 2004 135 1st - 3A) Pat Stanley - Bishop England (2007 152 1st, 2006 152 1st, 2005 140 3rd, 2004 130 3rd - 2A-1A) Tyler Thompson - Spring Valley (2006 112 1st, 2005 112 1st, 2004 103 1st, 2003 103 2nd - 4A) Brantley Hooks - Byrnes (2006 152 1st, 2005 145 1st, 2004 130 1st, 2003 119 4th - 4A) Bryant Blanton - Summerville (2006 189 1st, 2005 171 1st, 2004 160 1st, 2003 152 2nd - 4A) Randy Mathews - Carolina Forest (2006 119 2nd, 2005 119 4th, 2004 112 3rd, 2003 103 4th - 3A) Matt Leach - Eastside (2006 135 1st, 2005 125 1st, 2004 103 1st, 2003 103 1st - 3A) Freeman Cooler - Bamberg-Ehrhardt (2006 135 1st, 2005 130 1st, 2004 130 1st, 2003 119 3rd - 2A-1A) Zach Johnson - Battery Creek (2005 135 1st, 2004 125 3rd, 2003 125 2nd, 2002 103 2nd - 4A) J.J. Davis - Byrnes (2005 160 1st, 2004 152 2nd, 2003 140 2nd, 2002 130 4th - 4A) David Catoe - Lugoff-Elgin (2005 125 2nd, 2004 119 1st, 2003 112 1st, 2002 103 3rd - 3A) Andrew Hinson - Carolina Forest (2005 140 1st, 2004 140 4th, 2003 112 4th, 2002 103 4th - 3A) Mike Richardson - Chapin (2005 125 4th - 3A, 2004 119 3rd, 2003 112 4th, 2002 103 4th - 2A-1A) Kyle Kimrey - Dutch Fork (2004 140 1st, 2003 125 1st, 2002 119 3rd, 2001 103 1st - 4A) Donte Isaac - Cheraw (2004 119 1st, 2003 119 1st, 2002 112 1st, 2001 103 2nd - 2A-1A) Theo Meryanos - Carolina Forest (2003 145 1st, 2002 140 2nd, 2001 125 3rd, 2000 103 3rd - 3A) Darius Caldwell - Swansea (2003 189 1st, 2002 171 1st, 2001 160 1st, 2000 152 4th - 2A-1A) Mike Ellis - Dutch Fork (2002 125 2nd, 2001 119 1st, 2000 112 4th, 1999 103 3rd - 4A) Watch Brockington - Lake City (2002 135 1st, 2001 135 2nd, 2000 130 3rd, 1999 119 3rd - 3A) Jeff Courson - Lugoff-Elgin (2001 135 1st, 2000 140 1st, 1999 125 1st, 1998 119 2nd - 3A) Sharod "Roddy" White - James Island (2001 189 1st, 2000 152 1st, 1999 130 4th - 4A, 1998 112 2nd - 3A) Marquis Ratliff - Cheraw (2001 130 1st, 2000 125 1st, 1999 119 1st - 2A-1A, 1998 112 3rd - 3A) David Scealf - Walhalla (2001 145 1st, 2000 140 1st, 1999 140 1st, 1998 140 3rd - 2A-1A) Rodney Wallace - Bamberg-Ehrhardt (2001 215 1st, 2000 189 1st, 1999 171 1st, 1998 152 2nd - 2A-1A) Ben Connell - Lugoff-Elgin (2000 275 1st, 1999 215 1st, 1998 215 1st, 1997 215 1st - 3A) Rhyne Stowe - Swansea (2000 145 1st, 1999 145 1st, 1998 130 1st, 1997 130 4th - 2A-1A) Chris Collins - Rock Hill (1999 125 1st, 1998 119 2nd, 1997 112 1st, 1998 103 1st - 4A) Vince Bartges - Stratford (1999 140 1st, 1998 135 2nd, 1997 135 4th, 1996 130 3rd - 4A) Robby Bell - Hillcrest (1998 152 1st, 1997 145 1st, 1996 140 1st, 1995 130 1st - 4A) Travis Drake - Cheraw (1998 130 1st, 1997 125 1st, 1996 119 2nd, 1997 112 2nd - 3A) Kenton Richardson - Battery Creek (1997 119 1st, 1996 112 1st, 1995 112 3rd, 1994 103 4th - 3A) Lee Call - Woodruff (1997 125 1st, 1996 112 2nd, 1995 112 2nd, 1994 103 4th - 2A-1A) Jason Radecke - Socastee (1996 152 3rd, 1195 152 2nd, 1994 140 2nd, 1993 140 2nd - 4A) Kelly Revells - Summerville (1995 125 1st, 1994 119 1st, 1993 119 3rd, 1992 112 2nd - 4A) Craig Stephenson - Summerville (1995 275 1st, 1994 189 1st, 1993 189 1st [Mauldin], 1992 171 3rd [Mauldin] - 4A) Simon Walker - Swansea (1995 145 1st, 1994 145 3rd, 1993 145 4th, 1992 119 3rd - 2A-1A) Clay Cavanaugh - Lexington (1994 112 1st, 1993 112 1st, 1992 103 1st, 1991 103 4th - 4A) Carlos Champaign - James Island (1994 135 1st, 1993 130 1st - 3A, 1992 125 4th, 1991 119 3rd - 4A) Walter Simpson - Rock Hill (1992 140 2nd, 1991 135 1st, 1990 130 2nd, 1989 125 4th - 4A) James Jones - Rock Hill (1991 112 1st, 1990 103 1st, 1989 103 1st, 1988 98 3rd - 4A) Lamar Thompson - Rock Hill (1991 145 1st, 1990 145 1st, 1989 135 2nd, 1988 119 3rd - 4A) James Creech - Dreher (1990 112 2nd, 1989 112 2nd, 1988 105 1st, 1987 98 1st - 3A-2A-1A) Kevin Simmons - Swansea (1990 130 1st, 1989 130 1st, 1988 119 4th, 1987 105 2nd - 3A-2A-1A) Bryan Davis - Woodruff (1990 145 2nd, 1989 145 2nd, 1988 138 1st, 1987 138 4th - 3A-2A-1A) Dan Wirnsberger - Greer (1990 152 1st, 1989 152 1st, 1988 132 1st [Blue Valley North, Kansas - 6A], 1987 112 1st - 3A-2A-1A) Tyrone Black - Dreher (1990 189 1st, 1989 189 2nd, 1988 185 3rd, 1987 185 4th - 3A-2A-1A) Corey Farr - Brookland-Cayce (1988 119 2nd, 1987 105 4th, 1986 105 2nd, 1985 98 3rd - 4A) Benjy LaFond - Summerville (1988 126 1st, 1987 119 1st, 1986 112 1st, 1985 98 2nd - 4A) Joey Rumble - Hanahan (1988 167 1st, 1987 155 1st, 1986 138 1st, 1985 112 4th - 3A-2A-1A) Ray Lloyd - Buford (1985 119 4th, 1984 119 2nd - 3A-2A-1A, 1983 112 2nd, 1982 105 1st - 2A-1A) David Clayton - Byrnes (1981 UNL 1st - 3A, 1980 UNL 1st - 4A, 1979 UNL 2nd - 4A, 1978 UNL 3rd - 3A) James McKinney - Buford (1981 126 1st, 1980 119 1st, 1979 105 1st, 1978 98 1st - 2A-1A) Skipper Hewell - Crescent (1981 126 2nd, 1980 119 3rd, 1979 112 1st, 1978 112 4th - 2A-1A) Alfred Mack - Swansea (1981 132 2nd, 1980 112 1st, 1979 105 2nd, 1978 98 2nd - 2A-1A) Evan Mack - Swansea (1981 126 4th, 1980 119 2nd, 1979 112 2nd, 1978 105 4th - 2A-1A) Andrew Walker - Swansea (1981 138 1st, 1980 132 2nd, 1979 119 3rd, 1978 112 3rd - 2A-1A) David Smith - Swansea (1981 167 1st, 1980 155 1st, 1979 145 1st, 1978 155 4th - 2A-1A) Barnell Mack - Swansea (1981 175 1st, 1980 175 1st, 1979 155 1st, 1978 132 1st - 2A-1A) James Gillings - Airport (1978 126 1st - 4A, 1977 119 1st, 1976 105 1st, 1975 105 2nd - 4A-3A-2A-1A) Carl Van Sewell - Airport (1978 155 1st - 4A, 1977 155 1st, 1976 155 1st, 1975 145 1st - 4A-3A-2A-1A) Mike Craven - Fort Johnson (1977 155 2nd, 1976 145 1st, 1975 138 4th, 1974 132 4th - 4A-3A-2A-1A) Wayne Rholetter - Westminster (1972 112 2nd, 1971 112 2nd, 1970 112 3rd, 1969 95 2nd - 4A-3A-2A-1A) Updates to the South Carolina Wrestling Records can be sent to: Mark Buford -
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